Our Cookie Po
licy pr ovides de tails, on how we as a co mpany ut ilize co okies and si milar te chnologies to id entify you du ring yo ur vi sits to our we bsite. It ou tlines the pu rpose of th ese te chnologies and the re asons be hind th eir use al ong, wi th yo ur ab ility to ma nage and co ntrol th eir us age by us.In so
me ca ses we may use co okies to co llect pe rsonal in formation, or th at be comes pe rsonal in formation if we co mbine it wi th ot her information.Cookies re
fer to da ta fi les th at get st ored on yo ur co mputer or mo bile de vice wh en you br owse a we bsite. We bsite ow ners co mmonly ut ilize co okies to en sure th eir we bsites run sm oothly and ef ficiently wh ile al so ga thering da ta for re porting purposes.Cookies pl
aced by the ow ner of the we bsite kn own as fi rst pa rty co okies and th ose set by en tities, th an the we bsite ow ner re ferred to as th ird pa rty co okies. Th ird pa rty co okies fa cilitate fe atures or se rvices on the we bsite su ch as ad s, in teractive co ntent and an alytics. The cr eators of th ese th ird pa rty co okies can id entify yo ur de vice not wh en you ar e, on the we bsite but al so wh en you br owse ot her websites.We ut
ilize bo th pa rty and th ird pa rty co okies for pu rposes. Ce rtain co okies are es sential, for the op eration of our we bsite, wh ich we ca tegorize as "or "s trictly ne cessary" co okies. Ad ditionally so me co okies he lp us tr ack and ta ilor co ntent to the in terests of our us ers to im prove th eir ex perience on our pl atforms. Th ird pa rties may al so set co okies on our we bsite for ad vertising, an alytics and ot her fu nctions. De tailed in formation, on th is is pr ovided below.You ha
ve the ch oice to ac cept or de cline co okies. You can ma nage yo ur co okie pr eferences us ing the Cookie Co nsent Ma nager. Th is to ol en ables you to ch oose the ty pes of co okies you wa nt to al low or bl ock. Pl ease no te th at es sential co okies, wh ich are vi tal, for pr oviding se rvices ca nnot be refused.You can lo
cate the Cookie Co nsent Ma nager in the no tification ba nner an d, on our we bsite. In ca se you de cide to de cline co okies you can st ill na vigate our we bsite; ho wever ce rtain fe atures and se ctions may ha ve ac cess. You al so ha ve the op tion to ad just yo ur web br owser se ttings to al low or bl ock cookies.We use coPrivacy Center. Pl ease re ad our Cookie Policy to le arn mo re ab out how we use information.
okies to im prove yo ur on line ex perience on our si te. By co ntinuing to use th is si te, you ag ree to the use of co okies in ac cordance wi th our