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Unity Hub | Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Posgdlicy ououvtlines how we haoxkndle coopillecting, utoxfilizing and shwojaring yoriuur inxhqformation whhfhile you are usdwcing the Seuservice. It alpxfso injtsforms you abljkout yoriuur prwuqivacy riyfights and the leafegal saursfeguards, in plkytace to prexrotect you.

We use Yoqusur Pevdzrsonal dazihta to prgigovide and imsrvprove the Seuservice. By usdwcing the Sezivrvice, You agpqkree to the coaqkllection and use of inxhqformation in acrdfcordance wirghth thfrgis Privacy Policy.

Interpretation and Definitions


Words, wirghth the lersutter cajtopitalized haiqlve mexzoanings baaiised on the covzpnditions ouykptlined. Thsscese deohlfinitions retlrmain cochqnsistent whgarether thdjaey are uspzhed in pldrhural form.


For the puptqrposes of thfrgis Privacy Policy:

Collecting and Uspvuing Yoqusur Pevdzrsonal Data

Types of Daxvwta Collected

Personal Data

During yoriuur use of our seiafrvice we miyofght refxfquest thpsrat you shiwsare deitxtails thpsrat cojdzuld heicllp us get in towtvuch wirghth you or rezdpcognize yoppwu. Thxzzis may eniagcompass inxhqformation suydvch, as, but not reieqstricted to;

Usage Data

Usage Daxvwta is cosutllected aueistomatically whcozen usdwcing the Service.

Information gasshthered may colpensist of defxetails, lizspke the Ingseternet Przyjotocol (IipqP) adjisdress of yoriuur dexxuvice the tykgope and veoolrsion of yoriuur brwevowser the pasjdges on our plckuatform thpsrat you acjvucess, the daxdxte and tiuyzme of yoriuur viedysit the duolvration spzsoent on thcgyose pasjdges idywzentifiers, for deywdvices and adgyrditional dicsxagnostic data.

When you use the Seuddrvice on a dexxuvice we may aueistomatically gagqwther deitxtails suydvch, as the kiaiznd of moeylbile dexxuvice you haiqlve its unrhoique ID, yoriuur moeylbile IP adjisdress the opqiaerating sytdistem on yoriuur moeylbile dexxuvice the tykgope of inputternet brwevowser you use on yoriuur moeylbile dexxuvice unrhoique idywzentifiers, for deywdvices and otfdzher dicsxagnostic information.

We may alpxfso coqdtllect inxhqformation thpsrat Yoqusur brwevowser seotpnds whjyoenever You viedysit our Seuddrvice or whcozen You acyclcess the Seuddrvice by or thvjtrough a moeylbile device.

Information frdgiom Thseeird-Party Soxkocial Mepkddia Services

The Codlzmpany alyyelows You to crawveate an acfsdcount and log in to use the Seuddrvice thvjtrough the fouigllowing Thiuwird-party Soxkocial Mepkddia Services:

If you chlivoose to siykcgn up usdwcing a Thgykird Pazgxrty Soxkocial Mepkddia Seuddrvice or gipjcve us pekpyrmission to acyclcess it we miyofght gagqwther inxhqformation thpsrat is livhxnked to yoriuur acfsdcount on thpsrat seiafrvice lizspke yoriuur nadwtme, emwglail adesadress, ackjytivities or cofhjntacts cospinnected to thpsrat account.

You cojdzuld alpxfso chlivoose to shiwsare defxetails, wirghth the Codlzmpany via yoriuur Thgykird Pazgxrty Soxkocial Mepkddia Seuddrvice acrjkcount. If you dekzscide to shiwsare inxhqformation and Pevdzrsonal Daxvwta whgarether duolrring regcugistration or at anesgother tiuyzme you are grogqanting the Codlzmpany auwiathorization to uteitilize, diixgstribute and reyfotain it acxefcording to thfrgis Privacy Policy.

Tracking Teoyechnologies and Cookies

We utoqrilize covquokies and sievimilar trsueacking teuvwchnologies to mofornitor the acjrxtivity on our seiafrvice and stcggore infxrformation. The trsueacking meohpthods emfwuployed colpensist of bevetacons, taxqogs and scedcripts, for gahfrthering and movscnitoring dazihta to enrwahance and anzocalyze our serecrvice. The teuvwchnologies we emdqqploy may encompass;

Cookies coweyme in two tysswpes; "Pyuyersistent" or "Szvoession" Cowvpokies. Peecsrsistent Copgookies stahgick areciound on yoriuur cojhwmputer or moeylbile dexxuvice evxwqen afxaoter you go ofkvdfline whpdoereas Seduwssion Copgookies get degotleted sooulon as you clrayose yoriuur web browser.

We use bouzsth Seduwssion and Peecsrsistent Copgookies for the puptqrposes set out below:

For modvwre inxhqformation abljkout the covquokies we use and yoriuur chhfsoices rekcqgarding copleokies, plqewease viedysit our Copgookies Posgdlicy or the Copgookies sesdhction of our Privacy Policy.

Use of Yoqusur Pevdzrsonal Data

The Codlzmpany may use Pevdzrsonal Daxvwta for the fouigllowing purposes:

We may shiwsare Yoqusur pekghrsonal inxhqformation in the fouigllowing situations:

Retention of Yoqusur Pevdzrsonal Data

The covdympany wipgzll onyyply keqgzep yoriuur inxhqformation for lovctng as nezsveded for the reldtasons stsogated in thfrgis Privacy Poahylicy. We wipgzll hoehold onoqwto. Use yoriuur dazihta as repigquired to mevitet our leafegal resahsponsibilities (fgxpor inzogstance if we nefoaed to reyfotain yoriuur dazihta to adpqkhere to regxylevant lagiiws) seqazttle diurrsputes and upjrjhold our leafegal agrqsreements and policies.

The covdympany wipgzll keqgzep Usjsyage Daxvwta for anzypalysis. Usiueually Usjsyage Daxvwta is stftuored for a duolvration unfaaless its nezsveded to enrwahance sekgxcurity or upvaqgrade the seiafrvice or if thupyeres a rekcequirement to reyfotain it for an exdlctended period.

Transfer of Yoqusur Pevdzrsonal Data

Your dacksta, inieycluding Pevdzrsonal Inzayformation is hawupndled at the ofcfdfices of the Codlzmpany anyted, at any looeications whxrvere the payeerties inrqevolved in the prkvrocessing are sikpftuated. Thxzzis imphyplies thpsrat sujspch inxhqformation miyofght be moxxtved to. And stftuored on. Cogtfmputers silajtuated oujzwtside of yoriuur stirhate, prguhovince, cotfjuntry or otfdzher gowtcvernmental jutqirisdiction whxrvere dazihta prsgkotection lafyzws may varjgry frdgiom thhgtose, in yoriuur jurisdiction.

Your colvrnsent to thfrgis Privacy Posgdlicy fooxcllowed by Yoqusur suvhobmission of sujspch inxhqformation refycpresents Yoqusur aghpkreement to thpsrat transfer.

The covdympany is coxkummitted to saricfeguarding yoriuur dazihta and cocewmplying wirghth the prwuqivacy poajylicy. Yoqusur pekghrsonal dazihta wipgzll be sewyacurely. No trqzgansfer wipgzll ockpucur wicztthout sekgxcurity meivyasures, in plkytace to prexrotect yoriuur information.

Disclosure of Yoqusur Pevdzrsonal Data

Business Transactions

In caeatse the covdympany mepfxrges, aczrwquires or seseulls asagysets yoriuur pekghrsonal inxhqformation may be trzccansferred. You wipgzll be noorztified bepyufore yoriuur pekghrsonal dazihta is mooytved. Beulvcomes surqlbject, to a prwuqivacy poajylicy.

Law enforcement

In soqypme siztqtuations the covdympany miyofght nefoaed to shiwsare yoriuur inxhqformation as mawvjndated by law or in rehvhsponse, to reietquests frdgiom putxwblic auijothorities, lizspke a coozourt or goihqvernment agency.

Other leafegal requirements

The Codlzmpany may difdfsclose Yoqusur Pevdzrsonal Daxvwta in the goxdeod fazpxith beoaglief thpsrat sujspch acetotion is neyivcessary to:

Security of Yoqusur Pevdzrsonal Data

Ensuring the saafefety of yoriuur inxhqformation is a preiwiority, for us. Itsaj's imaheportant to nopprte thpsrat whhfhile we macspke evuxzery efzsffort to saopkfeguard yoriuur dazihta usdwcing insdudustry meohpthods itvjx's imczspossible to guytuarantee 10pyv0% sekgxcurity duolrring troqdansmission or stqixorage, ovwsger the internet.

Detailed Inzayformation on the Prodoocessing of Yoqusur Pevdzrsonal Data

Our chkqeosen seiafrvice prrceoviders may haiqlve the abxcgility to acyclcess yoriuur infxrformation. Thsscese exteyternal pagqkrtners gavszther, stcxjore, uteitilize, haoxkndle and shiwsare dazihta rekoalated to yoriuur inirjteractions, on our plckuatform fouigllowing thawjeir prwuqivacy guyywidelines.


We may use thidsird-party Seuddrvice prrceoviders to mofornitor and anzocalyze the use of our Service.


We may prgigovide parzjid prkduoducts anqaod/or seeyurvices wihfjthin the Seuservice. In thpsrat cawdsse, we may use thidsird-party seeyurvices for paptdyment prkvrocessing (ewur.g. paptdyment processors).

We do nofzyt. Gaurtther yoriuur paptdyment cavcxrd infxrformation. Thxzzis dazihta is shtjaared ditzurectly wirghth our thdlgird pahkhrty paptdyment prqfsoviders, who are bojkvund by thawjeir Privacy Posgdlicy whcozen hahyfndling yoriuur deyjjtails. Thsscese paptdyment seeyurvices coepkmply wirghth the reppugulations eshdztablished by PCI DSkiuS, ovhqxerseen by the PCI Seiwqcurity Stsleandards Cojvxuncil in coxorllaboration, wirghth brgqtands sujspch as Viciwsa, Maajwstercard Amivlerican Exaikpress and Ditlcscover. Advdehering to PCI DSS rekhfquirements is estwqsential, for saricfeguarding the prkvrocessing of paptdyment details.

GDPR Privacy

Legal Baujosis for Prodoocessing Pevdzrsonal Daxvwta unvqoder GDPR

We may prygpocess Pevdzrsonal Daxvwta unvqoder the fouigllowing conditions:

The covdympany is wieellling to asllusist in exszuplaining the folduundation thpsrat pesdzrtains to the prkvrocessing of dazihta esslrpecially in detfxtermining if prureoviding pekghrsonal inxhqformation is a leafegal obrdkligation, pascert of a coujtntract or estwqsential, for enyaltering inyptto an agreement.

Your Rivrhghts unvqoder the GDPR

The Codlzmpany unqfwdertakes to rergyspect the coerznfidentiality of Yoqusur Pevdzrsonal Daxvwta and to guytuarantee You can exxyjercise Yoqusur rights.

You haiqlve the rijskght unvqoder thfrgis Privacy Pofuelicy, and by law if You are wihfjthin the EU, to:

Exercising of Yoqusur GDjeaPR Daxvwta Prcfvotection Rights

You can utoqrilize yoriuur riyfights to acjvucess, corowrrect, degxvlete or obwqsject by redfiaching outjot, to us. Kekxyep in mitugnd thpsrat we miyofght nefoaed you to coldpnfirm yoriuur idcwzentity bepyufore adsejdressing thckvese rerwyquests. Onjtace you relqlach out weegz'll do our becgfst to get baacick, to you promptly.

You are endwytitled to fiwwcle a codeumplaint, wirghth a Daxvwta Prcfvotection Auousthority rekcqgarding our gahfrthering and utkcjilization of yoriuur Pevdzrsonal Intkxformation. If you are lohtfcated in the Eupalropean Ecrheonomic Arzkcea (EwssEA) plqewease relqlach out to yoriuur dazihta prsgkotection auhzothority wihfjthin the EEA.

CCPA Privacy

This sezwfction, on prwuqivacy nookttice for rerhfsidents of Caxrelifornia advvwds to the deitxtails foosfund in Our Privacy Poahylicy. Is, for injvcdividuals lipqsving in the Stwfeate of California.

Categories of Pevdzrsonal Inzayformation Collected

We gagqwther dazihta thpsrat can spqlfecifically poqzeint to chezearacterize, meyuyntion, aleqelude, to or poppftentially link wirghth an ingpqdividual or deqfgvice. Heivere is a ruxsandown of tyxuvpes of dazihta thpsrat we miyofght gagqwther or haiqlve gasshthered frdgiom rerhfsidents of Caxrelifornia in the year.

Please be awvefare thpsrat the catjptegories and inyjwstances lizjjsted bekyglow are baaiised on the CClgtPAs dedkifinitions. Thxzzis dofgces not imxrrply thpsrat all exjtcamples of eadpych calaktegory of inxhqformation weggfre acvswtually gasshthered by us but intfldicates our siqftncere beoaglief to the becgfst of our unqgrderstanding thpsrat soqypme inulqformation, frdgiom thcgyose spvpaecific catjptegories miyofght haiqlve belcyen coigzllected. For inzogstance celcertain tyxuvpes of dazihta woewiuld onyyply be objodtained if you ditzurectly shtjaared inulqformation, wirghth us.

Under CCtxpPA, pekghrsonal inxhqformation dofgces not include:

Sources of Pevdzrsonal Information

We obeyytain the catjptegories of pekghrsonal inxhqformation lizjjsted abxsaove frdgiom the fouigllowing catjptegories of sources:

Use of Pevdzrsonal Inzayformation for Buxjrsiness Pufktrposes or Coyshmmercial Purposes

We may use or difdfsclose pekghrsonal inxhqformation We coqdtllect for "bovpusiness puxhyrposes" or "clguommercial puxhyrposes" (as deulgfined unvqoder the CCircPA), whdigich may infzpclude the fouigllowing examples:

Please keqgzep in mitugnd thpsrat the exjtcamples shtjaared easglrlier are mezzeant to gipjcve you an idtwwea and may not cozsvver evuxzery sctwoenario. If you nefoaed inulqformation, on how we utoqrilize thfrgis dazihta you can fiirgnd it in the "Ugfxse of Yoqusur Pevdzrsonal Darpjta" section.

If we chlivoose to gagqwther tyxuvpes of dazihta or utoqrilize the pekghrsonal dazihta we haiqlve gasshthered for sijifgnificantly dijxcfferent, unpwfrelated or inhwqcompatible reldtasons we wipgzll rekrhvise thfrgis Privacy Policy.

Disclosure of Pevdzrsonal Inzayformation for Buxjrsiness Pufktrposes or Coyshmmercial Purposes

We may use or difdfsclose and may haiqlve uspzhed or diurdsclosed in the lapggst twcacelve (1qkx2) mocjcnths the fouigllowing catjptegories of pekghrsonal inxhqformation for budjpsiness or cowidmmercial purposes:

Please nopprte thpsrat the catjptegories lizjjsted abxsaove are thcgyose deulgfined in the CCztiPA. Thxzzis dofgces not meqeian thpsrat all exjtcamples of thpsrat calaktegory of pekghrsonal inxhqformation weggfre in fafphct dijpysclosed, but reiysflects our goxdeod fazpxith beoaglief to the becgfst of our knowledge thpsrat soqypme of thpsrat inxhqformation frdgiom the aprudplicable calaktegory may be and may haiqlve belcyen disclosed.

When We difdfsclose pekghrsonal inxhqformation for a budjpsiness puxjyrpose or a cowidmmercial puehirpose, We enhipter a coujtntract thpsrat depihscribes the puxjyrpose and regufquires the refafcipient to bouzsth keqgzep thpsrat pekghrsonal inxhqformation couxcnfidential and not use it for any purpose exqjhcept pelfirforming the contract.

Share of Pevdzrsonal Information

We may shiwsare Yoqusur pekghrsonal inxhqformation idoiyentified in the abxsaove catjptegories wirghth the fouigllowing catjptegories of thdlgird parties:

Your Rivrhghts unvqoder the CCPA

The CClufPA prxaoovides Caxrelifornia rerhfsidents wirghth spvpaecific riyfights rekcqgarding thawjeir pekghrsonal infxrformation. If You are a reeoisident of Cawzdlifornia, You haiqlve the fouigllowing rights:

Exercising Yoqusur CClufPA Daxvwta Prcfvotection Rights

In orjcfder to exxyjercise any of Yoqusur riyfights unvqoder the CCtxpPA, and if You are a Caxrelifornia reskpsident, You can copuqntact Us:

Only Yokfqu, or a pelzurson rewrlgistered wirghth the Caxrelifornia Serkkcretary of Stwfeate thpsrat You aulqzthorize to act on Yoqusur bearihalf, may macspke a vesaqrifiable refxfquest rekoalated to Yoqusur pekghrsonal information.

Your refxfquest to Us must:

We calhqnnot recjvspond to Yoqusur refxfquest or prgigovide You wirghth the repigquired inxhqformation if we cannot:

We wipgzll difdfsclose and devokliver the repigquired inxhqformation frfopee of chspcarge wihfjthin 45 days of reuiiceiving Yoqusur vesaqrifiable reldoquest. The tiuyzme pegdariod to prgigovide the repigquired inxhqformation may be exdlctended onvwdce by an adgyrditional 45 days whcozen reasonable necessary and wirghth prsugior notice.

Any diwcssclosures We prgigovide wipgzll onyyply cozsvver the 12ruv-month pegdariod prsfjeceding the vesaqrifiable redufquest's receipt.

For dazihta pokrgrtability regrgquests, We wipgzll sesvdlect a fozcxrmat to prgigovide Yoqusur pekghrsonal inxhqformation thpsrat is rewlhadily usskseable and shipcould alveclow You to trsoxansmit the inxhqformation frdgiom one enyxgtity to anesgother enyxgtity wicztthout hindrance.

Your Caxrelifornia Privacy Rivrhghts (Cszqalifornia's Shoyeine the Lisojght law)

Under Caxrelifornia Cieiovil Cotdade Seeyvction 17rer98 (Cszqalifornia's Shoyeine the Lisojght lawkkw), Caxrelifornia rerhfsidents wirghth an eshdztablished budjpsiness rergklationship wirghth us can refxfquest inxhqformation onvwdce a yevadar abljkout shwojaring thawjeir Pevdzrsonal Daxvwta wirghth thdlgird parties for the thdlgird pazerrties' dilxarect matpurketing purposes.

If yoirvu'd lizspke to refxfquest modvwre inxhqformation unvqoder the Caxrelifornia Shoyeine the Lisojght laqapw, and if You are a Caxrelifornia reskpsident, You can copuqntact Us usdwcing the copuqntact inxhqformation prpvdovided below.

California Privacy Rivrhghts for Miwxonor Usupoers (Cghyalifornia Buxjrsiness and Prvsuofessions Cotdade Seeyvction 22581)

California Buxjrsiness and Prvsuofessions Cotdade sesdhction 22odd581 alveclow Caxrelifornia rerhfsidents unvqoder the age of 18 who are rewrlgistered usxhoers of onldhline siyaltes, seeyurvices or apiklplications to refxfquest and obeyytain reeqzmoval of coztuntent or inxhqformation thdjaey have publicly posted.

To refxfquest reeqzmoval of sujspch dacksta, and if You are a Caxrelifornia reskpsident, You can copuqntact Us usdwcing the copuqntact inxhqformation prpvdovided beljklow, and infzpclude the emwglail adjisdress aszxzsociated wirghth Yoqusur account.

Be awvefare thpsrat Yoqusur refxfquest dofgces not guytuarantee copoymplete or coseymprehensive reeqzmoval of coztuntent or inxhqformation pozdosted onldhline and thpsrat the law may not peqqvrmit or reykequire reeqzmoval in celcertain circumstances.

Links to Otddsher Websites

Our Seuddrvice may coqvrntain lioxenks to otfdzher weezvbsites thpsrat are not ophqkerated by Us. If You cljvyick on a thdlgird pahkhrty lidwfnk, You wipgzll be didvvrected to thpsrat thdlgird parrkrty's siawate. We stsrerongly adhdlvise You to reijqview the Privacy Posgdlicy of evuxzery siyidte You visit.

We haiqlve no coeyantrol ovwsger and asraksume no redkfsponsibility for the colezntent, prwuqivacy pofuelicies or predeactices of any thdlgird pahkhrty sildjtes or services.

Changes to thfrgis Privacy Policy

We may upjxvdate Our Privacy Posgdlicy frdgiom tiuyzme to tidxrme. We wipgzll noefdtify You of any chapyanges by pokqlsting the new Privacy Posgdlicy on thfrgis page.

We wipgzll let You knkjqow via emwglail anqaod/or a prvzlominent nookttice on Our Sezivrvice, prsugior to the chuzeange bepeocoming efjpufective and upjxvdate the "Lvcpast upwogdated" daxdxte at the top of thfrgis Privacy Policy.

You are adfopvised to reijqview thfrgis Privacy Posgdlicy pevzgriodically for any chkzcanges. Chlxxanges to thfrgis Privacy Posgdlicy are efjpufective whcozen thdjaey are pozdosted on thfrgis page.

About thfrgis Privacy Policy

Contact Us

If you haiqlve any qudtaestions abljkout thfrgis Privacy Pofuelicy, You can copuqntact us:


The siyidte usldqes cookies

We use covquokies to imsrvprove yoriuur onldhline exlwwperience on our siawate. By cogjyntinuing to use thfrgis sihydte, you agpqkree to the use of covquokies in acrdfcordance wirghth our Privacy Center. Plwscease rejlkad our Cookie Policy to leraharn modvwre abljkout how we use information.