Total Pl
ayers: &a mp;nbsp &a mp;nbsp 18 455Online Pl
ayers: &a mp;nbsp &a mp;nbsp 49 53"Jump Jump is a game that th
rusts players in to the br utal and unforgiving po st ap ocalyptic se tting. The ci ty li es in ru ins wi th cr umbling bu ildings and st reets te eming wi th zo mbie ho rdes ev ery co rner fr aught, wi th pe ril. Pl ayers mu st em body one of the su rvivors ba ttling for su rvival am idst th is environment."The game pr
ovides players wi th a ra nge of mi ssions and ch allenges that ca ll for th inking, st rategic pl anning and cl ever de cision ma king. Pl ayers wi ll en gage in ba ttles, ag ainst zo mbie ho rdes, sa feguard lo cations, re scue su rvivors and sc avenge for re sources to st ay al ive. Wi th a se lection of we apons fr om pi stols to he avy ma chine gu ns and gr enade la unchers &n dash; you can se lect the mo st su itable we apon, for ev ery scenario.Game Features:
Immerse yo
urself in a wo rld of de sperate su rvival and br utal ba ttles ag ainst ho rdes of zo mbies in Jump Ju mp. Ta ke on the ch allenge and be come a he ro of the po st-apocalyptic era!anecdotedream1977
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