Total Pl
ayers: &a mp;nbsp &a mp;nbsp 22 16Online Pl
ayers: &a mp;nbsp &a mp;nbsp 19 62Tiny Runners is an game that ca
ptures players at tention with its ch arming pe ts and en gaging ga meplay. In th is game yo u're tr ansported in to a wo rld wh ere ev ery le vel pr esents a gr id te eming with im ages of lo vable an imals, li ke ca ts, do gs, bi rds and va rious ot her pe ts. Yo ur ob jective is to lo cate and link ma tching pi ctures to cl ear th em fr om the bo ard cr eating sp ace, for pairings.The game is ea
sy to pl ay and re ally fu n;, in ea ch st age yo ur go al is to re move all the im ages by ma tching pa irs of the ki nd with a li ne that has no th an th ree st raight co nnections. As you pr ogress to le vels the game ge ts ha rder pr oviding players with ob stacles and br ain te asers. Th is game su its ev eryone th anks, to its vi suals and us er fr iendly controls.Game Features:
Immerse yo
urself in the fa scinating wo rld of cu te an imals and te st yo ur lo gic and ob servation sk ills in Tiny Ru nners. En joy br ight gr aphics, in teresting ta sks and a re laxing atmosphere!airsprint1970
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